Today is the US launch of my new book Soul Trader Putting the Heart Back into Your Business. 

It’s actually been 12 years since my one and only trip to the United States – so far – something that I intend to address next year perhaps with a speaking tour. On that occasion on arriving in New York I somehow felt at home. It was kind of familiar; language, people, the subway/metro/underground transport network. Yet it was all big, bright and new. Life can be big, bright and new wherever you are if you embrace it. 

At 2pm Eastern Standard time today (7pm UK time) I’m going to be running Soul Trader USA a live free talk sharing some of the tips and insights from the book to celebrate the US launch and to give the US audience a bit of a taste of my work and approach as a coach. I hope you can join us live on enjoy it on playback via the link.

So much is said and written about achieving success, but far less really on fulfilment and how it is arrived at. The myth in the West is that success leads to fulfilment. This is an illusion it does not. Trust me, I’ve coached millionaires and high achievers who have success and no fulfilment. The other myth about success is that if you achieve it somehow you’ll stay in that space. Not so: just look at the world economy. In that was we live in a dualistic up/down, success/failure, boom/slump world. 

Over the best part of ten years I’ve worked as a life coach, motivational speaker and business coach. Over that time I’ve coached hundreds of people one to one and addressed thousands of people through talks and workshops. I’ve discovered that those who are most fulfilled in life embrace life and embrace themselves. Those who are most wise are the same. They accept life with all it’s seasons, they work with it. If you like they live life by heart.

My new book Soul Trader is about how to build a business that you and your customers will love by following your heart, passion, purpose, skills and talents. It’s a theme that probably chimes with the American dream and America was partly built of that dream – and need – of following your heart, being enterprising. Many places around the world have that enterprising nature in their make-up too. That dream of following your heart and passions has a lot of global currency. Many people wish to, seek to, have no choice but to be their own boss, do their own thing. 

But for some reason we often soon lose our way, lose heart. It becomes more of a mind battle than a labour of love. We leave our jobs and start our businesses because we want to make not only a living, but be fulfilled, be proud of our achievements, do something of real value, serve ourselves/our family/others. In all the noise we see people as cash in the cash resister and not as fellow spirit souls. We overcomplicate business. We forget that business is simply about exchanging our skills/ talents/ resources and our inter-relationship and interdependence. We get lost in all the technology, noise and marketing.

As customers we feel sick and tire of companies that do not care about just the bucks that we pay when we are buying the products. As business owners we can easily work so long and so hard that we lose sight of the family and relationships that we claim we set up our business for in the first place. And often this goes on without us giving it another thought.

Soul Trader – like all my work – is an invitation to and from the heart. It helps you to follow your heart and get your life and business in balance. It’s really a coach yourself book that guides you through 7 heart-centred principles: clarity, courage, customers, co-operation, conversations, compassion – and the closing principle and chapter; change.  The book is especially for sole proprietors and those small business owners – those starting out and those who’ve been in business for some time. 

Discover Soul Trader

Soul Trader is written by leading UK based life & business coach, Rasheed Ogunlaru, whose clients include entrepreneurs, entertainers and Chief Executives and is published by Kogan Page. It costs $19.95 and is available here on Amazon.

* Get your copy today

 * Enjoy videos and interviews from Soul Trader

 * Check out the reviews of what the Brits are saying about it.

 *** Enjoy Soul Trader USA live … free video seminar with Rasheed***

Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading UK based life coach, speaker and business corporate coach. He is author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business. Rasheed’s career spans over 20 years in coaching, media/PR and performance. He often appears in the media on work/ life issues including appearances on BBC and ITN News. He is the life & business coach partner to the British Library’s Business & Intellectual Property Centre. He is also co-founder of the self development site