I love hearing your success stories. I find them touching and inspiring. Here’s one from John Reed which I think is very special:


Rasheed’s Advice


I was in a position that I expect many others will recognise. I had researched my family history and produced it in book form just for my immediate family. I had also written a book on my childhood during and after the last war for my grandchildren.

 This had been put on the ‘back burner’ after I started my big project – a novel based on the very interesting life of one of my ancestors who I had discovered during my family research.

 The novel was reaching gigantic proportions (180000 words) and I had no idea when it was going to end so I urgently needed some independent advice.

 My daughter put me in touch with Rasheed and after discussing things for an hour or so on the phone, we had decided on some targets.

 The main objectives we agreed were;

 * Split the novel into two books if at all possible.

  *Find, and ruthlessly use knowledgeable contacts.

 * Get something into print to show publishers what I could do.

* Set up a website to publish my achievements.

How I approached It

 After reading it through my novel again and after a bit of editing the obvious point turned out to be at around 120,000 words.           Regarding getting something into print I decided to rewrite my childhood memories, get it into a good shape, and then self-publish.

About a year after I had spoken to Rasheed, I was ready to send my book to the printers. Apart from the book cover, I had got it print ready by myself.

dad21In early August I was delighted when my very first order of fifty books arrived. There looked to be a lot of books and I had to decide how I was going to get rid of them.

I rang every publication I thought might do a review and to my delight not one refused. From local newspapers, free magazines and quality monthly magazines, they all positively reviewed the book. I also got the book in the catalogue of an online bookshop and this has produced good results.

Six weeks after my initial purchase I had to have another hundred books printed. One of the reviews had resulted in a local charity bookshop offering me a book signing which resulted in the sale of sixty five books, and they will continue to stock the book.

I was at a birthday lunch and chatting to the lady sitting opposite I told her about my novel and she told me that she had once been a proof reader for McMillan Books and she would be very happy to proof read my first novel. A classic use of unexpected contacts.

 My website was created by Simon Reed of sjrsolutions.co.uk  and I have already sold several books through it.  I can now concentrate on my novels the second one is nearly finished and then I will have to decide whether it is going to be two or one! 

– By John Reed   www.ruskington-memories.co.uk