I wonder how we will reflect on this era of selfies and social media. Shallow, superficial and self indulgent? Or a golden age of communication, connectivity, knowledge-sharing and possibility? Will we look back at this as an era where we went sleepwalking into banality, virtual-reality and instant celebrity while artificial intelligence stepped in while we were absent? Where technology replaced deeper human connectivity. A time where despite our global and trade links we were no closer to inner or worldly peace and equality. A time when our phones and gadgets were far smarter than our actions and inactions?
Or will we reflect on it being the re-birth of a raised consciousness, creativity, possibility where anyone with a touch screen can make make a major impact on the hearts and minds on anyone anywhere on this beautiful planet? A time of people creating new portals of possibilities for one and all?…Or perhaps as with so many eras before it may be that we come to reflect on it as a complex blend of both.
My own take on this is that – as with all things – our own consciousness is key. It is a time where our awareness, mindfulness and ability to be considered and compassionate is vital. There is little value in an advancement in technology where we are ourselves have not raised the day to day level of consciousness that we operate.  This is a topic that I intend to return to in future blogs as there is much more that can be touched on. What’s more important than what I think is how you interact – not just through social media but actually, vocationally, socially in business. What’s important is how connected you actually are to yourself, what you do and those around you and how you bring your heart, gifts and consciousness to the fore to benefit one and all.
Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading life coach, motivational speaker and specialist on inner fulfilment. He is author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business and The Gift of Inner Success.