I must say that here, halfway through the London Olympics, I am loving them.yesterday was especially special for the hosts: 3 gold medals in the athletics and another 3 medals across rowing and cycling.

As a life coach,  motivational speaker and business coach I have always seen huge parallels between how sports people train, work, develop their skills and perform and how others – in all walks of life perform. In fact I first became a coach, when following my days as a singer, my best friend Marcus and I (a former actor and singer) established what we called ‘the Mind, Body & Spirit’ of singing to help singers and artists develop their mentality, performance and wellbeing in the same way that athletes do.

As a London-based coach I’m excited to see how some of the great performances throughout the Great British team encourages and inspires young people: both those who are in or attracted to sport -and those who will just be looking on.

The issue of how we develop talent – holistically – has always interested me. And for me that’s about how we enable people of all backgrounds. Again as a coach, with a performance and media background, I’m mindful of many of the challenges that is faced by those high achievers in sport to entertainment who find themselves in the public eye.  I’m also mindful about how it is that we encourage and empower these people not just in their (sporting) careers but for their whole lives; for their life balance, self development, and inner fulfilment. And for me this is also about how we arm people for life beyond their career or for future careers – because in sport – in particular careers can be relatively short. By the time you are in your 30s (when most of us are establishing our careers) many of these people will be having to look at what next.

This is a topic I’ll be returning to in my blog, but for now it is wonderful to celebrate the Olympics. Not least because as it is the best example we have of the world coming together in friendly competition. There is much that we can learn in all of our lives from athletes in that blend between competition and communion.

For my part I hope that as a life coach and speaker I can play my own part.


Rasheed is a leading life coach, motivational speaker and author of The Gift of Inner Success – and Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business.