Business Start Up Funding

Business Start Up Funding

One of the biggest challenges for many people who are start-up in business is the finance to get going. Most people who I meet and coach manage to achieve this – initially at least – through their own resources and through the support of friends, family...

Got what it takes to be your boss?

Global Entrepreneurship Week (18-23 Nov 2013) More and more of us are becoming self-employed or starting our own businesses. Sometimes by desire of taking charge of your destiny. Sometimes through the necessity of job uncertainty, redundancy. But what does it take to...
A most remarkable week…

A most remarkable week…

I must say that I really love my ‘job’ as a coach  / speaker (and author); helping people to be authentically themselves in all that they do in their lives and their work is a remarkable privilage and a joy. Every week is rewarding – by virtue of...