Signpost in blue sky with clouds

Are you at a turning point in your life? 

Have you got a clear idea of where you’re heading next? Are you feeling uncertain about what’s next?  Or feeling open about it and the possibilities?

Perhaps like a few of my clients you’re starting a completely new career, travelling overseas to start a new life or you’ve had to change your lifestyle due to health issues, family matters or relationship changes. 

Maybe in your case that you feel a bit stuck and that you’re wanting to create a change.  Whatever the case may be, your mere mindfulness that this is where you are at can in itself be useful. Life changes are a big part of life. We’re all different when it comes to change; some of us seek out change and challenges all the time. Others of us like more of a sense of routine and stability and most of us actually have some areas where we like the change, variety and other areas where we like things being pretty much steady. What’s useful is knowing the kind of person you are and knowing the blend of comfort and challenge that actually helps you grow. Sometimes we may not actually know this until certain situations arise that test and challenge us – and that present us with opportunities. 

Getting ready and steady…

How are you feeling about where you are right now?

How are you feeling about the change / changes that you’re about to undergo or that are underway?

If you are at a point of change how ready are you? Is there more planning and preparation you could do? What more do you need / want to do or would be useful to do?

How have you handled life’s changes and challenges in the past and what have you learned about yourself – and what (if anything) could you apply or stay mindful of that might help you right now?

If you’re at the point where you’re feeling that something needs to change…what areas do you feel need change? What kind of change is it that you seek? What would help you to be able to make that change? What hel, advice and support do you need or could you seek out? And how could you begin in however small a way.

Help at hand  / getting help

If you are at a point of change: personally, in your career, in your home life, in your relationships or in your business or organisation – and if you’d like some coaching do get in touch with me and we can have a chat about where you are, what you’d like and how I can help.

There’s also lots of free articles and videos that might help you on my free self development website  You’ll also find lots that can help you on my shop here on the website

I’d also like you to think a bit about those around you in your life. Do you have the kind of support that you need personally and professionally? 

Could you do with some more help? Are you the kind of person who tries to do everything by themselves? Perhaps it’s the case that you need some more space – or that you need some support. Again be mindful about what it is that would help you along the next stretch of the road.