I recently caught up with Anadi Taylor. Anadi has a facinating story. From an early age he had a gift for computers and went on to work for large firms before going off to India on a journey of self discovery. Having been enlivened by the music and wisdom he discovered he came back to the UK with the vision of setting up a website to share the talks and music. So he set up SoundsOrange.com which does just that. Here’s a little about his story.
It’s a very hard place to find yourself in sad, lelony, bitter and angry. You are still able to choose your next action. Maybe you need to get professional help for yourself a coach/ therapist/ relationship counsellor. Maybe you need to ask what you want from the relationship define 3 things then you start putting that back into your relationship. It can take quite a while till the relationship shifts, especially if it has spiralled down into a very bad space. You just continue putting those things back into the relationship, regarless of how hard it is, and the shift will come. Of course this takes a lot of emotional strength so you need to assess if it can be done or if you need help to do it