“Tomorrow’s leaders will lead not dictating from the front or pushing from the back – but from the centre; from the heart” – Rasheed Ogunlaru, Coach – Speaker – Author
This weekend I was coaching a very talented young doctor who you just know is going places. He is bright in mind and kind of heart. He reminded me that I had set him a task to explore what these words in the image meant – and what they meant to him.
IMG_6705Our coaching session then centred simply on these words; Intention, Integrity & Input, Impact. I invite you to consider them also. We discussed how top athletes are very mindful of this and that they are often clear from very early on in life – the career impact/achievements they seek. That becomes their intention and the the input and integrity required becomes clear. That becomes their life’s work.
I am a specialist on inner fulfilment and working from the heart and from there carrying out your work to the benefit of all – not just yourself. But discovering your ‘self’ is often the first step. In the case of this doctor we also spoke about the power of intention in healing – and all the dimensions of integrity.From our earliest conversation his intention – and integrity was to make a positive impact through rich contribution to the lives of others.
In my own case my work: intention-input/integrity-impact is to help people of all backgrounds find fulfilment in all areas of their lives – from within.Within that I often coach teachers, healers and leaders – established and emerging in all fields. Some are in entertainment/music/media, some are in the corporate world, some are CEOs, some are starting out in their careers, some are Sometimes they are aware of their gifts, potential and that they are a leader-teacher-healer ..many are not.
The invitation always is to follow the heart …it is surest way to find your path