images-10Many wise people say that sooner or later you will ask yourself this question. At a glance it seems like a stupid question. Surely you are you: your name, your age,at your life stage, with your own life and your own personality and ways. But is that the whole story? And is that story a true story or the whole story. 

  • Are you your name? – Did you choose it? 
  • Are you your age or your life stage – will you always be it?
  • Are you your job – did you start of as it – and have you changed it?
  • Are you your race, or gender – did you choose it? When people see you as just this do you like it?
  • Are you your thoughts and ideas – did you start out with any of these?
  • Did you create these ideas from scratch or even the words?
  •  (Read on after Rasheed’s ‘Who am I video below)

When I asked myself these questions over the course of a few years in all 10 years ago it was very liberating. I remember a day sat with my best friend; we were both keen to find self, to understand this stuff and to see where this ‘self’ seeking journey might take us. We spent the around 6-8 hours looking at everything that we thought that we knew, and that we accepted or even refuted and looked at where these ideas had come from – if we knew at all where they had. What did we find. Not much to say the most. We realised that none of the ideas we had were our own. We could not directly verify anything ourselves first hand.

All of a sudden our restless minds became restful, lighter, less bothered, less stressed. The seeking sensation subsided and began to be replaced by a feeling of far greater ease – far deeper peace. 

Most of the things we wrestle with our concepts of who we are, what we are, what we should be are just that ‘concepts’ and they are rarely if ever our concepts. They are concepts we have been taught, gathered, become familiar with to the point we think that they our our own. 

But do not take ‘my’ word for this. There’s too much of this. Ask yourself the question: “Who am I?”  Take a look inside and see what you find.  I will say one thing it may not be about what you discover; it may be about what is uncovered, shed, cleared, eased or indeed even freed. 

This process of questioning may be especially worth doing if you feel you are at a point in life where you have been asking yourself questions or where life has seemingly asked questions of you. 

If this article resonates with you you may well find may of the videos on my YouTube Channel ( very much resonate with you and you may find them enriching. Likewise you may enjoy many of the video, articles and talks on my free self development site ‘useful’. 

If you’re looking for further talks and tools you may enjoy my ‘Become who you are’ and ‘Space, Stillness Silence‘ talks which are available in my store here on