Looking to move forward in your job role or advance in your career? Perhaps you’ve been in your current job for a few years and are thinking about the next steps in the company. Perhaps you’re ready to make that next move in a new organisation. Perhaps for you it’s about taking a more senior role, moving into management or making a bit of a career change. The video below shares three simple steps that will help you to progress in your career:

1) Know who your are.... knowing what’s important to you, your values, skills and talents is really fundamental. The deeper you are in your career the more you need to understand your personal and professional drivers and your purpose, passion and possibilities.  These will help you really understand what you are a about and what you want from your career and how you want it to advance (continued below video of Rasheed Ogunlaru)

2) Know where you’re at: to flourish you need to understand your environment, your sector, your team, your environment, the people, the politic, your customers. As you understand this you can develop the tools, resources, skills, approach that you have and those that you need to develop. This awareness and understanding is key to career advancement be it that you’re wanting to take on a more senior management role in your company or whether you’re keen to advance in other ways. If you’re looking to gain a job in another company or sector researching and understanding the company, the sector, the context and climate is really important. It an separate you from the rest of the pack. It can demonstrate your knowledge, initiative and insight. This isn’t just about knowing it. It is about being it. It is about demonstrating your skills, abilities, commitment, contribution, creativity, reliability, co-operativeness and performing at your best for the benefit of your organisation, customers and your team.

3) Know where you’re going: Together points one and two above will help you develop insight into where you are going. Knowing yourself an your passion, talents and purpose together with understanding your sector will help you get a sense of where you want to be within it or where you want to move on or branch out beyond it. Developing this sense of vision is a really powerful quality that is very important if you have your sights on being a leader in your field, a manager a Chief executive, and entrepreneur or just top of your game within your realm of expertise. I highly recommend developing an informal supporting team of peers, professionals to help you advance. For you – depending on where you are and where you seek to go – this may be about seeking out a mentor or coach to help you. Or it may be about developing a support group of like minded professionals to share information, advice, tips and expertise and for social or professional growth.

If you’re looking for tools to help you along your path check out the shop here on my website rasaru.com which includes downloadable talks,  videos and books – and there’s free stuff on my self development site www.evolvedheart.com

Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading life coach, speaker and business / corporate coach. He is author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart the Heart Back into Your Business.